What if you believed you were already enough?
How would that change the way you feel about your day?
The things you need to do? The things you should or shouldn’t have said?
What could you do with your time and your energy and your focus
if you weren’t out there hustling up another hit of self-worth
by endless people-pleasing and empty over-achieving?
If you believed you were already enough,
what would you have the courage to do today?
Who would you say no to? What would you say yes to?
What would you ask for? What would you speak up about?
How would you start your day? How would you end it?
And with whom?
Now… tally up the answers. How does all that sound? Like a big F-ing relief? Like a dream day?
I HAVE GREAT NEWS. You ARE already enough. Already. Now. Right now. You good. You great!