So many of us are heavy with uncertainty, feeling stunted, short-changed, stuck, isolated, overwhelmed. Freedom and possibility feel in short-supply, our plans waylaid, our plans postponed (sometimes in perpetuity), our futures uncertain, our efforts for forward momentum frozen in their tracks.
It may feel like we’re spinning your wheels, or worse, that we’re sliding backward. When we look at the big picture, it can feel like we’re being swallowed whole.
But don’t let the little victories and forward footsteps fall through the cracks of your attention.
Stop looking at the big picture. Shrink your attention. Refine your focus. Start thinking small.
Make this your mantra: pay attention to the progress. However small, however slow however humble, pay attention to the progress. Count out all the ways you are making progress, even in the midst of challenge.
Not all is lost. So please don’t stop. Keep going. Keep being brave with your life. Stop waiting for the finish line. Let go of the timelines. Let yourself be in process. Then, pay attention to the progress.