Reconnect my fractured grace.
Endow me with patience.
Widen the aperture of my perspective.
Soothe in me the reflex of blame,
that part of me that wants to relieve pain
with the release of a roar and an accusatory arrow.
Let me lay down the blades of judgement
and be with what is here.
Help me smooth out the rough edges
and melt the sharpness into gentle curves.
Fortify my boundaries
but soften my barriers.
Stitch the threads of benevolence into the quilt of my being.
Steep my cells in the tones of compassion.
Tune me to harmony.
Place my confidence in kindness.
Tap out a rhythm of goodness.
Drum it into my bones
so I know the truth when I feel it.
Let me love fiercely. Let me forgive
fearlessly and fully.
Let my presence be a portal for peace.
Let me build a fire of forgiveness for us to gather around.
Let me be an ocean of understanding for others to dive into.