Comparison is the thief of joy.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt 

Comparing is competing. Competing is striving. Striving is ego. Ego is pain. Pain blocks joy. Ya feel me?

So when you’re cruising along feeling pretty good and you slip into a pothole of comparison, remember this:

You are on your personal path, your own journey. Trust in its unfoldment. Because your personal story and your unique experience are the fabric of your authenticity. And your authenticity is the compass and the key to unlocking all of the opportunities and all of the gifts and all of the JOY in life that are Meant For You. Being authentically you and trusting in the unfoldment of your unique path is the only way to access and experience your true, full potential. Otherwise, you’re just chasing everyone else’s dharma and foolishly overlooking your own.

Revere the truth and the timing of your life. Don’t compare their apples to your oranges. Bypass that crazy bish Comparison. Just do you. Follow your path. Give your gifts. Trust. Forget the rest.

About the author
Caitlin Cady sitting on the beach at dusk and smiling softly at the camera

Caitlin Cady is an author, meditation teacher, and mama of three, on a mission to help you tune into your highest self and live to your full potential.

With certifications in Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, and Somatic Stress Release, Caitlin’s work has been featured in Women’s Health, Vogue, Marie Claire, and Real Living and her positive perspectives and relatable, playful approach have inspired people across the globe to start living to their full potential.

Signed, Caitlin
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