Mobilise gratitude and gratitude mobilises you.
If you don’t know where you’re going, if you’re feeling defeated, overwhelmed or stuck in a cycle of negativity, if your future feels postponed in
5 more reasons to meditate
I’ve already shared 5 reasons I think meditation is worthy of a daily date, but there is just so much gold in the meditation goodie bag that I couldn’t resist sharing 5 more reasons with you.
Recipe: Chocolate + Peanut Butter Slice
As far as I’m concerned, peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven. And anybody that says otherwise…well, YOU CRAZY.
Recipe: Chocolate Amazeballs
Hands up, who gets a l’il bit hangry from time to time? That space between meals where you don’t know what to reach for – when your next meal is hours away and your stomach is eating itself.
Recipe: Chia Pudding
If you haven’t been living under a rock (or – shout out to my Americanos in the house – under a Chia Pet) for the last few years then you’ve probably heard of chia.
5 reasons to meditate
Want to have healthier relationship with others? Meditate. Want to look and feel younger? Meditate. Want to strengthen your immune system? Meditate. Want to lose weight? Meditate…
Recipe: Açaí Sundae Smoothie Bowl
In a breakfast slump? You can breathe açaí of relief. I’ve got an anti-oxidant packed antidote to the breakie blues. Introducing, the Açaí Sundae Bowl.