Mobilise gratitude and gratitude mobilises you.
If you don’t know where you’re going, if you’re feeling defeated, overwhelmed or stuck in a cycle of negativity, if your future feels postponed in
Be all of you.
What’s our obsession with being likable? Who does that serve? Newsflash: no one.
Your shadow is nothing to be ashamed of.
Our shadows get a bad rap. And so, over time, our shadow embodies our shame. But that shit is not on.
Realise that you’re already complete and you become fully realised.
If you struggle with feeling incomplete or lost or not-enough, fret not. You have everything you need.
Be available to be inspired.
If you want to up your creative game, be AVAILABLE to be inspired.
My Creative Checklist
n a practical sense….how do we invite and invoke more creativity and inspiration into our every days lives? I present to you a short-list of my most used practices for invoking and inviting creativity.
Tuition paid to the school of life.
Whether it’s a floundering business, an idea that flopped, an unproductive investment, or a pear-shaped partnership, saying sayonara to the sunk costs can feel like a kick in the guts…
Let go of your story. Start living your life.
Are you tired of that same old story? You know, the one where you’re the loud one or the stupid one or the perfect one or the funny one or the smart one or the popular one or the lonely one or the responsible one.
Balance is bullshit.
What’s with our obsession with “balance?” The fabricated and fictitious “work/life balance.” The mythical “motherhood/career woman” balance…
How to say No.
This week we’re making friends with “No.” Here are a couple of strategies I’ve used with success to cut my Yes addiction off at the knees and flex that No muscle like a boss.
Are you addicted to saying Yes?
If you’re anything like me, the line between being of service and being a people pleaser can be…blurry. Looking after other people can become tangled up with your sense of self.
The Power Of Presence
Where is your allegiance? To your past, your future, or the present? Your answer speaks volumes about the quality of your life. If we’re tethered to the past, we’re stuck in regret…
Take responsibility for your experience.
Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes things don’t go to plan. People are late. Targets are missed. Cars break. Planes are delayed. Baggage is lost. Friends let you down…
Get sit done.
Ever wondered why it’s so hard to be still and quiet? Why you resist sitting in meditation, spending time by yourself, leaving your phone in another room, or driving without a podcast playing?
Be sovereign in your skin.
There’s a lot of talk these days about lip injections and airbrushed asses. I gots to say it… WOMAN, you are not some frozen still life meant to be stared at like a specimen in an air-conditioned room.
No pleasure, no treasure.
Pain is not our only teacher. Pleasure (of the wholesome variety) can also light our way and offer meaningful clues. Pleasure teaches us how to surrender. How to move with trust. No pain no gain? I say no pleasure, no treasure.
Recipe: Supercharged Hot Chocolate
I’m sharing my secret to supercharged mornings! My favourite hot chocolate. This hot chocolate is a rich, lush and delicious treat. And it’s also supercharged with nourishing ingredients and amazing adaptogens.
What are you withholding because you’re afraid it’s not good enough?
What are you withholding because you’re afraid it’s not good enough? What are you refusing to give? What are you refusing to start? What are you refusing to take action on?
I’m all for a strong work ethic, passion and motivation. But I’ve ditched the pursuit of perfection and the glorification of “hustle.” I’m proudly anti-hustle and pro-flow. Here’s why.
My body was not made for your enjoyment.
My body was not made for your enjoyment. My body was not formed in the image of your fantasy, or a picture of perfection. My body is not a fool’s paradise. My body was not made for your amusement…
Claim your power. Own your worth.
Perpetually proving yourself? You’re letting others hold your power. If they’re the judge of your worthiness, they get to hold the keys to the castle of Your Full Potential.
Some Answers Can Only Be Found On The Inner Net
Trouble trusting yourself? Stuck in a cycle of regret and self-doubt? Chances are that you’re not tuned in to and connected with your intuition.