If you want to up your creative game, be AVAILABLE to be inspired.
Here’s what I mean: Inspiration can’t find you sitting at a cramped, dark hovel of a desk for 12 hours a day, or watching some shitty prime-time soap opera, or gossiping, or stifling your feelings, or pushing yourself harder to be perfect.
Inspiration finds you with your hair tousled, back on the earth, eyes gazing across the open sky. Inspiration finds you in truthful, candlelit conversation with wild-hearted kindreds. Inspiration finds you at the bottom of a tea cup and the last sentence of a good book. Inspiration finds you in the throes of deeply feeling what you’re feeling. Inspiration finds you with your feet bare and your face turned to the sun. Inspiration finds you when you’re truly absorbed in the moments of your life. Inspiration finds you with your nose in a book and a highlighter in your hand. Inspiration finds you holding a pen or a paintbrush. Inspiration finds you in a state of surrender, laying flat on your belly, palms upturned. Inspiration finds you when you move your body joyfully- either sweetly and gently or vigorously and wildly. Inspiration finds you when you get still. Inspiration finds you when you listen.
Inspiration is waiting to rise up, to flow through, to spark a thought-thunderbolt or dash down from the heavens. You just have to be available to receive it. Create the conditions for creativity to flow through you. You already know, intuitively, what the conditions are for you. So make space and make it happen. Invite inspiration into your life. Be available to be inspired.
P.S. If you want some practical tips, head over to the companion post here.