If you’ve been feeling confused, chaotic, a little lost, indecisive or downright bewildered, let’s shift that. Join in on this Clarity Cleanse and free yourself from indecision, ambiguity and distraction.
We’ll use 3 tried-and-true ways to reset your system, reclaim your agency and recover your inner clarity. So you can move forward with composure, confidence and the powerful purity of a perspective that is authentically yours.
For the next 7 days, I invite you to try these 3 simple but effective techniques to sweep away confusion and make space for clarity:
1. Meditate daily. Commit to a daily practice that is achievable. If your meditation practice is budding, try 7-10 minutes once a day for the week. If you already meditate on the daily, double down and add in a second practice to your day or double the length of your practice. Please feel free to stream my Heavily Meditatedâ„¢ guided meditations for free on Insight Timer.
2. Sit with silence. When you’re driving in the car or taking a walk, instead of putting podcasts, phonecalls or playlists in your ears, sit with some silence. Notice your impulse to fill every moment with inputs, productivity and outward communication. Resist the urge to stuff yourself with information, stimulation and conversation. Out of balance, this can restrict the flow of your own expression. So sit with silence and create a space to be in dialogue with yourself.
3. Stop asking for advice. Notice how often you look outside of yourself for the answers. For the next week, don’t ask for any advice. None. Not from your mama or your man or your bestie or your coach. Instead, listen to your own guidance, gut instincts, and intuitions. And if you can’t hear yourself just yet, that’s okay. Just be with that. If you give yourself a chance to get quiet and turn down the dial on outside opinions, your inner guidance will make itself heard. I promise.
Bonus 1: try this breathing technique and meditation to balance the hemispheres of the brain and clarify your perspective.
Bonus 2: Print out this little poem to support you as you cultivate more clarity this week.